"The Forgotten History in Solo"
In Solo, there were a building that very old. the named of that building is “Vastenburg Fortress. Vastenburg Fortress is located in Mayor Sumarno beteng Street solo, in gladak area in the center of Solo City. The Vastenburg Fortness was built in 1745 by order of the Governor General Baron Van Imhoff.
Vastenburg Fortress in Solo city is not very taken care of by the government. Actually, this Vastenburg Fortress was so full with history. It is build in the 24 February, in 1861. Its so unfortunately, because the Vastenburg Fortress was become one of the historical building.
Vastenburg Fortress in Solo city is not very taken care of by the government. Actually, this Vastenburg Fortress was so full with history. It is build in the 24 February, in 1861. Its so unfortunately, because the Vastenburg Fortress was become one of the historical building.
There are only a few information about this Vasteburg Fortress. Even in the internet there are only a few. Even so with the people, not many people know the information about this Vastenburg Fortress So, it is so difficult for Aye! Crew to find the information about Vastenburg Fortress.
Majestic fortress is in the middle of this Bengawan City, now living a worthless pile ofbuildings and overgrown with a thick thatch grass. In the context of urbanmorphology, the fort has an important role relationship that is centralSolo-Semarang. Solo in the XVIII-XIX period, as a center of commerce and themarked development of the colonial city. Interestingly, this development is created in shades of power tradisionalistic of Kasunanan Surakarta Kingdom.
The function of this fort as a stronghold Vastenburg to spy the Surakarta fighters inthe 18th century. Around this Fort there is moat or streams that functioned as a barrier to attack the approaching the Vastenburg enemy.
The function of this fort as a stronghold Vastenburg to spy the Surakarta fighters inthe 18th century. Around this Fort there is moat or streams that functioned as a barrier to attack the approaching the Vastenburg enemy.
There, the power of the Dutch troops are concentrated. That said, there is also a sort of underground bunker large enough beneath the castle. The bunker was usedto jail prisoners. That's what makes this place not be possible if the multi-storey buildings.